Path:  tensorflow/tensorflow/python/ops/
@tf_export("pad", v1=[])
def pad_v2(tensor, paddings, mode="CONSTANT", constant_values=0, name=None):
		return pad(tensor, paddings, mode, name, constant_values)

def pad(tensor, paddings, mode="CONSTANT", name=None, constant_values=0):
	  mode = mode.upper()
	  if mode == "CONSTANT":
	    # TODO(rjryan): Once the forward compatibility period (3 weeks) have passed
	    # remove the "Pad" fallback here.
	    if (not tensor_util.is_tf_type(constant_values) and
	        np.ndim(constant_values) == 0 and
	        constant_values == np.zeros_like(constant_values)):
	      result = gen_array_ops.pad(tensor, paddings, name=name)
	      result = gen_array_ops.pad_v2(
	          tensor, paddings, constant_values, name=name)
	  elif mode == "REFLECT":
	    result = gen_array_ops.mirror_pad(
	        tensor, paddings, mode="REFLECT", name=name)
	  elif mode == "SYMMETRIC":
	    result = gen_array_ops.mirror_pad(
	        tensor, paddings, mode="SYMMETRIC", name=name)
	    raise ValueError("Value of argument `mode` expected to be "
	                     """one of "CONSTANT", "REFLECT", or "SYMMETRIC". """
	                     f"Received `mode` = {mode}")
	  # Restore shape information where possible.
	  if not context.executing_eagerly():
	    paddings_constant = _get_paddings_constant(paddings)
	    input_shape = (
	        if isinstance(tensor, ops.Tensor) else result.op.inputs[0].shape)
	    if (input_shape.ndims is not None and
	        not result.shape.is_fully_defined() and paddings_constant is not None):
	      new_shape = []
	      for padding, dim in zip(paddings_constant, input_shape.as_list()):
	        if padding is None or dim is None or any((x is None for x in padding)):
	          new_shape.append(sum(padding) + dim)
	  return result


Path: tensorflow/tensorflow/python/ops/